Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Community Development Project

The meeting for the coffee growers was announced over the loud speaker that blares thorugh out the small town. 13 people came up to see what the leader, who had just come down from the mountains had to say. Almost half of the participatants were women. The coffee cooperative was disband do to corruption and now is trying to reorganize. I was introduced as the agronomist for the coffee solar dryer project and the plant nursery. Agronomist? Yikes... Everyone had a lot of questions for me and were very receptive to my ideas. Many decisions were made and off each went back to their own coffee crops.
For the months of December - February almost everyone is leaves town to treck deeper into the mountains to harvest their coffee.
We have bought and essembled two coffee dryers which will improve the quality an quanity of coffee that they are able to sell.
Tomorrow i go up to the coffee farm to start the plant nursery project with the folks up there.
We are starting new coffee plants, ceder and fruit trees, along with cover crops.
It is two hours from this very rural town. The conditions are minimal to say the least. I will be up there with 10 others who are harvesting coffee.

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