Monday, January 5, 2009

They say that the road to Hana on Maui is the curviest road in the world. I could have died a happy girl believing this. I have experienced massive car sickness many times taking the road to Hana. However the road from Oaxaca City to the coastal beach town of Puerto Escondido is much more windy, steep, long and terrifying.

Tomorrow i leave the beautiful city of Oaxaca to Xcpatec a small village in the mountains.
Wish me luck


Mari said...

Car Sick..ugh I remember as a child I got car sick frequently..but the flat terrain in RI doesn't compare to Mexico's hilly terrain! Hope your belly has recuperated. Snow and ice here in the forcast for tomorrow.

How were the beaches?


Jon said...

Hope you took a dip in the water to cleanse your soul! Or let the sound of the ocean wash over you.


miss fufi said...

remember that the mexico "bienvenidas" are always painful. but then...somehow we learn to love it...
good luck warrior!