Saturday, January 10, 2009

San Miguel

The day i arrived to this beautiful mountain town i got sick i have been sick ever since. It almost feels as if the mountains are cleansing me of my idustrialized impurities. Testing me, deciding if i am worthy of being here. Jason my American compadre says he has felt the same energy and as hard as he has worked still nothing of grandur has come of it. Perhaps they are keeping us out. These mountains are powerful and abundant with food, shelter, medicine and water.

Questions i have been asking:
If so abundant then why then do the people still suffer?Are they suffering or is it the outside western eye that percieves this way of life as poverty and suffering?

The mentality of the opressed around the world is similar. They are resentful and expect money from the goevernment or those who have abused and took advantage of them.Accepting the realities of the situation I see the solution to be that the dominant entity gives the opressed communities a certain pre determined amount of money with the tools to succeed, i.e. education. And then leaves it to the communtiy to grow and determine its future.However in the case of Mexico the government is willing to give money but no education. Leaving the mayan people wanting more.It is the responsibiltiy of the people to accept what is and accept responsibilty of their actions and push through with solidarity and hard work.It is similar to breaking the cycle of abuse in a family. Those who break it live hard and self disciplined lifes so those after them are able to live more freely.

1 comment:

Mari said...

I guess it is always hard to make changes in behavior and attitudes. Perhaps they need a visionist leader or learn from the outsiders like you and Jason. You have alot to offer them; you have many gifts.

Hope you start to feel better. Glad Jason had some pro biotics with him!

Skiing here this past weekend; 6" of new snow!


It must be beautiful! How far you away from the village? Are the farmers Mayan?