Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The practice of present moment travel

It is so important to break free from the comfort of our day to day lifes. The lifes that move like clock work; sleep, eat, work. Overtime we accumulate bad habits, such as isolation, overeating/drinking /shopping, harshly judging ourselves and others, building walls and feeding fears. On this trip I have realized the importance that travel has for my quality of life. It is a challagning yet healing effect for me, in many ways wiping the slate clean, clearing space for better habits and complete presence to fill.

Everything is new. Colors are brighter, I am forced to let go of the illusion of control. I have no idea how i will get from one place to another, or what that place will have instore for me. When forced into uncomfortable situations, I am forced to break out of my mind, out of my isolation and into the world fully present. I have to re-learn evertime i travel how to let go and just go with it. When i do let that everything i need is handed to me and i find myself and everything else beautful and fluid.

It is important for us to force ourselves into uncomfortable situations so that we can expand our understanding of the world and ourselves in it. I hope to strenthen this practice of letting go and being present and bring it home to my day to day life.


Mari said...

I agree, living in the moment can be refreshing! Glad your traveling spirit is with you are receiving guidance.


Scott said...

I too have found that letting go can be physically and mentally refreshing.

miss fufi said...

this is so you. god i miss you.