Monday, January 12, 2009

San Miguels Jewel

Before i go on to talk about the project, i must share with you the jewel of the little town of San Miguel.
A Beautiful fresh water spring that comes out of a large cave.
It comes out of rock onto rock and is marked by the two amazing Cider trees that grow above it!
We went exploring in the underground cave. It is enormous the water is the most pure water i have ever experienced.
The women go there to detox, the spread the mud full of minerals over their bodies and even eat it to purify their bodies of illness an impurities.
The outside spring/cave has become my daily haven.
It has powerful healing energy, and though it has yet to be confirmed i am sure it is this water source that brought people to settle there.

1 comment:

19babs54 said...

I'm so jealous! Oh to be able to sit by that spring every day. So happy that you are having this opportunity. Love Aunt Barb